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Jackal Y D

  • Jackal Y Head D

    EnhanceDEFRequired material
    +01167Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Aluminum Alloy 9051×2、Tiger Grease×5、Corinthian Bronze×5
    +11225Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Aluminum Alloy 9051×2、Tiger Grease×5、Corinthian Bronze×5
    +21287Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Aluminum Alloy 9051×2、Tiger Grease×5、Corinthian Bronze×5
    +31351Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Aluminum Alloy 9051×2、Tiger Grease×5、Corinthian Bronze×5、D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal×4
    +41418Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Aluminum Alloy 9051×2、Tiger Grease×5、Corinthian Bronze×5、D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal×4

  • Jackal Y Body D

EnhanceDEFRequired material
+04000Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+14200Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+24410Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+34631Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5、War Ensemble Platinum Metal×3
+44862Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5、War Ensemble Platinum Metal×3

  • Jackal Y pants D

EnhanceDEFRequired material
+02780Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+12919Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+23065Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5
+33218Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5、War Ensemble Platinum Metal×3
+43379Sunflower Rare MetalY×1、Polyarylate Fiber×2、Aluminum Alloy 9051×1、Aluminum Alloy 9050×5、War Ensemble Platinum Metal×3

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Last-modified: 2019-04-05 (Fri) 06:43:15 (2134d)