Let It Die for Steam Walkthrough Guide
Decal List
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Decal is an item that causes additional effects to be mad...
As the fighter's grade rises the number of items that can...
**Decal List [#za079bc9]
|Living on the Edge|Before returning to your WaitingRoom ...
|Superhero|Increase ATK and DEF by 15%when at full health...
|Legendary Hero|Increase ATK and DEF by 30%when at full h...
|Bull|Increase ATK and DEF by 30%when your HP is at 15% o...
|Raging Bull|Increase ATK and DEF by 60%when your HP is a...
|Serial Killer|Increase ATK by 10% after killingan enemy ...
|Payback|Store up to 20% of damage takenand add that amou...
|Shock Absorber|Reduce falling damage by 50%. |
|Super Shock Absorber|Ignore all falling damage. |
|Sprinter|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Dash and ...
|Marathon Runner|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Da...
|Gymnast|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Dodge goes...
|Professional Gymnast|Rate at which stamina decreasesduri...
|Tank|Increase max HP by 20%. |
|Heavy Tank|Increase max HP by 40%. |
|Dumbbell|Increase ATK by 7%. |
|Barbell|Increase ATK by 15%. |
|Emerald|Increase DEF by 10%. |
|Diamond|Increase DEF by 20%. |
|Silver Heart|Increase max stamina by 50%. |
|Gold Heart|Increase max stamina by 80%. |
|Wolf|Increase rage gauge build-up by50%. |
|King of the Wolves|Increase rage gauge build-up by80%. |
|Ninja|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 50%...
|Master Ninja|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed...
|Judge's Gavel|Increase attack power during DownAttack by...
|One Shot One Kill|Increase attack power duringHeadshot b...
|Barbarian|Increase attack power of double-handed weapons...
|Dual Wielding Master|Increase ATK by 10% when usingthe s...
|Master Builder|Increase ATK and DEF of D.O.DArms weapons...
|Drill Sergeant|Increase ATK and DEF of WarEnsemble weapo...
|Wizard|Increase ATK and DEF of CandleWolf weapons and eq...
|Medalist|Increase ATK and DEF of M.I.L.Kweapons and equi...
|Samurai|Increases the ATK of slashingweapons by 10%. |
|Slugger|Increases the ATK of blunt weaponsby 10%. |
|Firestarter|Increases the ATK of fire weaponsby 10%. |
|Electrifier|Increases the ATK of electricweapons by 10%. |
|Hornet|Increases the ATK of poisonweapons by 10%. |
|Treasure Hunter|Permanently display hidden items intheir...
|Indomitable Spirit |Makes it harder to become Groggy. |
|Mosquito|Recover 3% of damage dealt as HP.The maximum re...
|Vampire|Recover 7% of damage dealt asHP. The maximum rec...
|Hide and Seek|You are harder for enemies todetect while ...
|Giant Killer|Increase Attack Power by 30%against enemies...
|Four-leaf Clover|Increase crit chance by 10%. |
|Five-leaf Clover|Increase crit chance by 20%. |
|Firefighter|Decreases the duration ofcontinuous damage t...
|Electro Sheep|Decreases the duration of paralysiswhen el...
|Maintenance Staff|Use the elevator for a cheaperprice. |
|Poison Eater|Recover HP slowly instead ofpoison damage. |
|Strength Discount|Halves the STR necessary to equipweapo...
|Dexterity Discount|Halves the DEX necessary to equipweap...
|Vitality Discount|Halves the VIT necessary to equipweapo...
|Health Discount|Halves the HP necessary to equipweapons ...
|Stamina Discount|Halves the STM necessary to equipweapon...
|Luck Discount|Halves the LUK necessary to equipweapons a...
|Superalloy|Deal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP ...
|Hyperalloy|Deal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP ...
|DIY Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a com...
|Military Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith ...
|Fantasy Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a...
|Sports Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a ...
|Vitamin XXX|Increases HP recovery by 20%. |
|Golden Lucky Cat|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies...
|Nitro Boost|Increases EXP gained by 40%. |
|Super Long Tail|Reduces the durability loss ofequipment ...
|Super Squeezer|Increases ABP gained by 40%. |
|King Mantis|Increases SPLithium earned by 20%. |
|Famitsu|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 2...
|Dengeki PlayStation|Increase attack power during DownAtt...
|Dengeki Online|Reduce falling damage by 20%. |
|4Gamer.net|Boosts DEF by 8% when equippedwith a complete...
|Ultimate Fighter|Increases fighters all basic parameters...
|Multivitamin|Increases HP recovery by 5%. |
|Lucky Cat|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and tr...
|Turbo-charged Engine|Increases EXP gained by 10%. |
|Long Tail|Reduces the durability loss ofequipment and we...
|Squeezer|Increases ABP gained by 10%. |
|Mantis|Increases SPLithium earned by 5%. |
|Lily Bergamo|No effect.Can be sold for 10,000 Kill Coins...
|Self-Defense|50% ATK increase after PerfectGuard. Only a...
|Flash Boiler|Rage Gauge increase by +2 onceat the start ...
|Angel Kicker|Reduces dash time requiredbefore a Dropkick...
|Hammer Addict|Increases Hammer ATK by 30%. |
|Machete Addict|Increases Machete ATK by 30%. |
|Rifle Addict|Increases Assault Rifle ATK by 30%. |
|Saber Addict|Increases Saber ATK by 30%. |
|Fireworks Addict|Increases Firework ATK by 30%. |
|Naspirin|Cancels out enemy'sGuardshroom Invincibility ef...
|Loxorin|When attached to Hunters, Haters,or defending Fi...
|Trump Card|Taunting increases Attack by 20%.Returns to n...
|Punching Bag|Reduces damage when Guarding. |
|Iron Addict|Iron Attack Power increases by30%. |
|Crossbow Addict|Crossbow Attack Power increasesby 30%. |
|Juggler|Reduces reload time. |
|Poltarin|Nullifies Stingshroom attack boosteffects; Slow...
|Resourceful|Receive the effects of cookedfood when using...
|MFS-Kun|Increase rage gauge build-up by20%. |
|MFS-Kun|Increase rage gauge build-up by20%. |
|Katana Addict|Increase Katana ATK by 30%. |
|Hockey Addict|Increase Hockey Stick ATK by 30%. |
|Apple|Increases HP recovery by 15%. |
|Panther Mode|Boosts max HP by 20% and ATK by5%. |
|Dusty|Nullifies fall damage and boostsstealth Suplex att...
|Stasis Field|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and...
|Jupiter Style|Boosts ATK of blunt weapons andslashing we...
|Lunar Style|Reduces stamina consumption andfatigue time ...
|Kali Angel|Boosts DEF by 15% and enables youto survive o...
|Durga Angel|Boosts critical hit rate by 15% andreduces w...
|Raven|Boosts Rage Gauge chargingspeed by 50% and grants ...
|Kat|Causes a shockwave with AoE andknockback effect when...
|Crowd Pleaser|Increases ATK by #0% per enemywhen #1 - #2...
|Mad Bomber|Defeated enemies blow up, causingdamage all a...
|Cerberus|Increases ATK of the Defenderit's equipped to b...
|Golem|Increases max HP of the Defenderit's equipped to b...
|Guardmycin|Negates the effects of theenemy's GuardShroom...
|Skillmycin|Negates the effects of theenemy's Transparung...
|Brainmycin|Negates the effects of thrownBrainshrooms whe...
|Fishymycin|Negates the effects of thrownFishy Fungus whe...
|Slowmycin|Negates the effects ofSlowmungus when attached...
|Stingmycin|Negates the effects ofStingshroom when attach...
|Volcano|While defending, increasesRage Gauge by 1 when a...
|Super Volcano|While defending, increasesRage Gauge by 2 ...
|Critical Attack|Increases Critical Hit damage by 30%. |
|Master Onion Cutter|Negates the blindness effectfrom Fro...
|Oriental Medicine|Heals 15 HP a second. |
|Scrap Yard|Buzzsaw + DIY Attack armorbonus. 1 piece of a...
|Trigger Happy|Assault Rifle + Assaultforcearmor bonus. W...
|World of Tanks|Increase max HP by 45%. |
|Tiger II|Switch to or fire a WarEnsemble ranged weapon a...
|STEEL WALL|20% chance of not takingany damage when hit.(...
|Chi-Ha|The closer you are whenattacking with a War Ensem...
|SHARPSHOOTER|Bullet spray and recoilreduced when using a...
|PATROL DUTY|Shows enemies on the mappermanently. Decreas...
|BILLOTTE'S MEDAL|Recover faster from being seton fire or...
|T95E2|Increase attack power during DownAttack by 50%. |
|Call for Vengeance|Rage Gauge increases by +2when starti...
|INVADER|ATK increases by 20% in a Raid. |
|Buzzsaw Addict|Attack Power +30% forBuzzsaws. |
|Magnum Addict|Attack Power +30% for Magnums. |
|Longsword Addict|Attack Power +30% forLongswords. |
|Chainsaw Addict|Attack Power +30% forChainsaws. |
|Pitching Addict|Attack Power +30% for PitchingMachines. |
|Food Fighter|Eat faster. |
|Super Helmet|Reduces additional damagereceived from head...
|Full Metal Jacket|Sniper rifle + Silent Sniperarmor bonu...
|Hagakure|Katana + Sengoku armor bonus.1 piece of armor: ...
|Knife Addict|Attack Power +30% for Knives. |
|Claw Addict|Attack Power +30% for Claws. |
|Bowling Ball Addict|Attack Power +30% for BowlingBalls. |
|Chopper Addict|Attack Power +30% forChoppers. |
|Sniper Rifle Addict|Attack Power +30% for SniperRifles. |
|Poison Master|Recover HP slowly instead oftaking poison ...
|Night Assassin|Knife + Night Scout armorbonus. 1 piece o...
|Bat Addict|Attack Power +30% for Bats. |
|Pickaxe Addict|Attack Power +30% for Pickaxes. |
|Rocket Launcher Addict|Attack Power +30% forRocket Launc...
|Axe Addict|Attack Power +30% for Axes. |
|Pinch Hitter|Bat + Heavy Hitterarmor bonus. 1 piece of a...
|Shotgun Addict|Attack Power +30%for Shotguns. |
|Motorcycle Addict|Attack Power +30%for Motorcycles. |
|Thunder Rod Addict|Attack Power +30%for Thunder Rods. |
|Stun Rod Addict|Attack Power +30%for Stun Rods. |
|Pyrotechnician|Fireworks + Texas Farmerarmor bonus. Equi...
Decal is an item that causes additional effects to be mad...
As the fighter's grade rises the number of items that can...
**Decal List [#za079bc9]
|Living on the Edge|Before returning to your WaitingRoom ...
|Superhero|Increase ATK and DEF by 15%when at full health...
|Legendary Hero|Increase ATK and DEF by 30%when at full h...
|Bull|Increase ATK and DEF by 30%when your HP is at 15% o...
|Raging Bull|Increase ATK and DEF by 60%when your HP is a...
|Serial Killer|Increase ATK by 10% after killingan enemy ...
|Payback|Store up to 20% of damage takenand add that amou...
|Shock Absorber|Reduce falling damage by 50%. |
|Super Shock Absorber|Ignore all falling damage. |
|Sprinter|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Dash and ...
|Marathon Runner|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Da...
|Gymnast|Rate at which stamina decreasesduring Dodge goes...
|Professional Gymnast|Rate at which stamina decreasesduri...
|Tank|Increase max HP by 20%. |
|Heavy Tank|Increase max HP by 40%. |
|Dumbbell|Increase ATK by 7%. |
|Barbell|Increase ATK by 15%. |
|Emerald|Increase DEF by 10%. |
|Diamond|Increase DEF by 20%. |
|Silver Heart|Increase max stamina by 50%. |
|Gold Heart|Increase max stamina by 80%. |
|Wolf|Increase rage gauge build-up by50%. |
|King of the Wolves|Increase rage gauge build-up by80%. |
|Ninja|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 50%...
|Master Ninja|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed...
|Judge's Gavel|Increase attack power during DownAttack by...
|One Shot One Kill|Increase attack power duringHeadshot b...
|Barbarian|Increase attack power of double-handed weapons...
|Dual Wielding Master|Increase ATK by 10% when usingthe s...
|Master Builder|Increase ATK and DEF of D.O.DArms weapons...
|Drill Sergeant|Increase ATK and DEF of WarEnsemble weapo...
|Wizard|Increase ATK and DEF of CandleWolf weapons and eq...
|Medalist|Increase ATK and DEF of M.I.L.Kweapons and equi...
|Samurai|Increases the ATK of slashingweapons by 10%. |
|Slugger|Increases the ATK of blunt weaponsby 10%. |
|Firestarter|Increases the ATK of fire weaponsby 10%. |
|Electrifier|Increases the ATK of electricweapons by 10%. |
|Hornet|Increases the ATK of poisonweapons by 10%. |
|Treasure Hunter|Permanently display hidden items intheir...
|Indomitable Spirit |Makes it harder to become Groggy. |
|Mosquito|Recover 3% of damage dealt as HP.The maximum re...
|Vampire|Recover 7% of damage dealt asHP. The maximum rec...
|Hide and Seek|You are harder for enemies todetect while ...
|Giant Killer|Increase Attack Power by 30%against enemies...
|Four-leaf Clover|Increase crit chance by 10%. |
|Five-leaf Clover|Increase crit chance by 20%. |
|Firefighter|Decreases the duration ofcontinuous damage t...
|Electro Sheep|Decreases the duration of paralysiswhen el...
|Maintenance Staff|Use the elevator for a cheaperprice. |
|Poison Eater|Recover HP slowly instead ofpoison damage. |
|Strength Discount|Halves the STR necessary to equipweapo...
|Dexterity Discount|Halves the DEX necessary to equipweap...
|Vitality Discount|Halves the VIT necessary to equipweapo...
|Health Discount|Halves the HP necessary to equipweapons ...
|Stamina Discount|Halves the STM necessary to equipweapon...
|Luck Discount|Halves the LUK necessary to equipweapons a...
|Superalloy|Deal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP ...
|Hyperalloy|Deal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP ...
|DIY Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a com...
|Military Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith ...
|Fantasy Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a...
|Sports Enthusiast|Boosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a ...
|Vitamin XXX|Increases HP recovery by 20%. |
|Golden Lucky Cat|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies...
|Nitro Boost|Increases EXP gained by 40%. |
|Super Long Tail|Reduces the durability loss ofequipment ...
|Super Squeezer|Increases ABP gained by 40%. |
|King Mantis|Increases SPLithium earned by 20%. |
|Famitsu|Increases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 2...
|Dengeki PlayStation|Increase attack power during DownAtt...
|Dengeki Online|Reduce falling damage by 20%. |
|4Gamer.net|Boosts DEF by 8% when equippedwith a complete...
|Ultimate Fighter|Increases fighters all basic parameters...
|Multivitamin|Increases HP recovery by 5%. |
|Lucky Cat|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and tr...
|Turbo-charged Engine|Increases EXP gained by 10%. |
|Long Tail|Reduces the durability loss ofequipment and we...
|Squeezer|Increases ABP gained by 10%. |
|Mantis|Increases SPLithium earned by 5%. |
|Lily Bergamo|No effect.Can be sold for 10,000 Kill Coins...
|Self-Defense|50% ATK increase after PerfectGuard. Only a...
|Flash Boiler|Rage Gauge increase by +2 onceat the start ...
|Angel Kicker|Reduces dash time requiredbefore a Dropkick...
|Hammer Addict|Increases Hammer ATK by 30%. |
|Machete Addict|Increases Machete ATK by 30%. |
|Rifle Addict|Increases Assault Rifle ATK by 30%. |
|Saber Addict|Increases Saber ATK by 30%. |
|Fireworks Addict|Increases Firework ATK by 30%. |
|Naspirin|Cancels out enemy'sGuardshroom Invincibility ef...
|Loxorin|When attached to Hunters, Haters,or defending Fi...
|Trump Card|Taunting increases Attack by 20%.Returns to n...
|Punching Bag|Reduces damage when Guarding. |
|Iron Addict|Iron Attack Power increases by30%. |
|Crossbow Addict|Crossbow Attack Power increasesby 30%. |
|Juggler|Reduces reload time. |
|Poltarin|Nullifies Stingshroom attack boosteffects; Slow...
|Resourceful|Receive the effects of cookedfood when using...
|MFS-Kun|Increase rage gauge build-up by20%. |
|MFS-Kun|Increase rage gauge build-up by20%. |
|Katana Addict|Increase Katana ATK by 30%. |
|Hockey Addict|Increase Hockey Stick ATK by 30%. |
|Apple|Increases HP recovery by 15%. |
|Panther Mode|Boosts max HP by 20% and ATK by5%. |
|Dusty|Nullifies fall damage and boostsstealth Suplex att...
|Stasis Field|Increases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and...
|Jupiter Style|Boosts ATK of blunt weapons andslashing we...
|Lunar Style|Reduces stamina consumption andfatigue time ...
|Kali Angel|Boosts DEF by 15% and enables youto survive o...
|Durga Angel|Boosts critical hit rate by 15% andreduces w...
|Raven|Boosts Rage Gauge chargingspeed by 50% and grants ...
|Kat|Causes a shockwave with AoE andknockback effect when...
|Crowd Pleaser|Increases ATK by #0% per enemywhen #1 - #2...
|Mad Bomber|Defeated enemies blow up, causingdamage all a...
|Cerberus|Increases ATK of the Defenderit's equipped to b...
|Golem|Increases max HP of the Defenderit's equipped to b...
|Guardmycin|Negates the effects of theenemy's GuardShroom...
|Skillmycin|Negates the effects of theenemy's Transparung...
|Brainmycin|Negates the effects of thrownBrainshrooms whe...
|Fishymycin|Negates the effects of thrownFishy Fungus whe...
|Slowmycin|Negates the effects ofSlowmungus when attached...
|Stingmycin|Negates the effects ofStingshroom when attach...
|Volcano|While defending, increasesRage Gauge by 1 when a...
|Super Volcano|While defending, increasesRage Gauge by 2 ...
|Critical Attack|Increases Critical Hit damage by 30%. |
|Master Onion Cutter|Negates the blindness effectfrom Fro...
|Oriental Medicine|Heals 15 HP a second. |
|Scrap Yard|Buzzsaw + DIY Attack armorbonus. 1 piece of a...
|Trigger Happy|Assault Rifle + Assaultforcearmor bonus. W...
|World of Tanks|Increase max HP by 45%. |
|Tiger II|Switch to or fire a WarEnsemble ranged weapon a...
|STEEL WALL|20% chance of not takingany damage when hit.(...
|Chi-Ha|The closer you are whenattacking with a War Ensem...
|SHARPSHOOTER|Bullet spray and recoilreduced when using a...
|PATROL DUTY|Shows enemies on the mappermanently. Decreas...
|BILLOTTE'S MEDAL|Recover faster from being seton fire or...
|T95E2|Increase attack power during DownAttack by 50%. |
|Call for Vengeance|Rage Gauge increases by +2when starti...
|INVADER|ATK increases by 20% in a Raid. |
|Buzzsaw Addict|Attack Power +30% forBuzzsaws. |
|Magnum Addict|Attack Power +30% for Magnums. |
|Longsword Addict|Attack Power +30% forLongswords. |
|Chainsaw Addict|Attack Power +30% forChainsaws. |
|Pitching Addict|Attack Power +30% for PitchingMachines. |
|Food Fighter|Eat faster. |
|Super Helmet|Reduces additional damagereceived from head...
|Full Metal Jacket|Sniper rifle + Silent Sniperarmor bonu...
|Hagakure|Katana + Sengoku armor bonus.1 piece of armor: ...
|Knife Addict|Attack Power +30% for Knives. |
|Claw Addict|Attack Power +30% for Claws. |
|Bowling Ball Addict|Attack Power +30% for BowlingBalls. |
|Chopper Addict|Attack Power +30% forChoppers. |
|Sniper Rifle Addict|Attack Power +30% for SniperRifles. |
|Poison Master|Recover HP slowly instead oftaking poison ...
|Night Assassin|Knife + Night Scout armorbonus. 1 piece o...
|Bat Addict|Attack Power +30% for Bats. |
|Pickaxe Addict|Attack Power +30% for Pickaxes. |
|Rocket Launcher Addict|Attack Power +30% forRocket Launc...
|Axe Addict|Attack Power +30% for Axes. |
|Pinch Hitter|Bat + Heavy Hitterarmor bonus. 1 piece of a...
|Shotgun Addict|Attack Power +30%for Shotguns. |
|Motorcycle Addict|Attack Power +30%for Motorcycles. |
|Thunder Rod Addict|Attack Power +30%for Thunder Rods. |
|Stun Rod Addict|Attack Power +30%for Stun Rods. |
|Pyrotechnician|Fireworks + Texas Farmerarmor bonus. Equi...