This page,+5Weapon data that appears is posted.

●Necessary SPLithium


Slash weapon

Murderer’s Hockey Stick A2321238817017000M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Buzzsaw Masher+1975203217017000Snake Wood×2
Dragon Buster Sword S2489256017927375Special Steel×2
Murderous Rake+3219331217017000Special Steel×2
Battle Machete E2693277017017000War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
Nightmare Claw S1743179317017000Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2
Axe of Destruction S3693379917017000Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2
Dragon Buster Sword S RE2863294444829594Special Steel×2
Muramasa Blade S2940302417017000Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2
Hornet Saber A3492359217017000M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Zombie Chopper+3752385917017000Special Steel×2
Combat Knife E2790287017017000Special Steel×2
Special Forces Shovel E5934641017017000Snake Wood×2
Chainsaw Shark+1072110317017000Aluminum Alloy 9048×2
Drill Buster+2248231317017000D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal×2
Spirit Lance S4272439417017000Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2
Executioner’s Ride A4910505017017000M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Executioner’s RideZX5156M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Vajra of Light274128511820018200Candle Wolf 44CE Metal×1
Muramasa Blade S TDM3234332723827840Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2

Blow weapon

Strike Hammer+1854190817017000Special Steel×2
Spiked Bat A2214227817017000M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Bowling Crusher A4057417317017000M.I.L.K. Purple Metal×2
Ghastly Pitching Machine A1632167917017000Aluminum Alloy 9048×2
Stun Master E1966202317017000Snake Wood×2
Death Burner Iron+1521156517017000D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal×2
Spike Crusher237724721820018200D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal×1
Mortal Bobslayer309132151820018200M.I.L.K. 44CE Metal×1
Inferno Baton A3269336317017000Carbon Fiber×2

Shoot weapon

Name+4power+5power+4Endurance+5Endurance+4AMMO+5AMMO+5Required material
Bronson Magnum E306631541701700084420Special Steel×2
M-844 Rocket Launcher E6009618017017000420Aluminum Alloy 9048×2
Fireworks Blaster+287729591701700060300D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal×2
KAMAS-SP Assault Rifle E23942463170170002401200War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
KAMAS-SP Assault Rifle E RE27542832280084002881404War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
DUKE-13 Sniper Rifle E19992057170170001260War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
Assassin’s Crossbow S1469151217017000160800-
KAMAS-WoT Assault Rifle0423942463170170002401200War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
Cerberus Shotgun E223522991701700040200Snake Wood×2
M-844 Rocket Launcher E TDM6611618017018400824Aluminum Alloy 9048×2
Nail Blaster+17361787170170003501750D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal×2
Thor’s Staff S20662125170170004002000Carbon Fiber×2
Demon Gun 43066315417017000108540Aluminum Alloy 9048×2
GLIDER 420602119170170001260War Ensemble Purple Metal×2
Plasma Welding Gun+229423601701700035175D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal×2
Static Massager28242937182001820034903490D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal×1
M2G-8733033435182001820052205220War Ensemble 44CE Metal
Head of Medusa250626061820018200Candle Wolf 44CE Metal×1
Wand of Conflagration S231623831701700080400Candle Wolf Purple Metal×2
FFWF-285 Flamethrower E35613663170170005602800War Ensemble Purple Metal×2

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Last-modified: 2019-03-04 (Mon) 23:48:11 (2165d)