This page introduces the effects of mushrooms.

The mushrooms growing in the tower of the valve are effective by eating or throwing.

If you eat a type of mushroom that deals enemy damage, you will be damaged by yourself.

UseNameDescriptionEffectEffect TimeCooked EffectCooked Effect TimeBeast
EatHeartshroomThe heart-shaped cap of the mushroom restores health when eaten. Its effects increase with heat. It is a delicacy.Restores HP (M)InstantRestores HP (M)InstantN/A
EatToughshroomCrystal-like minerals have formed over time. Tough and non-poisonous. Not ideal for eating, but can harden the user temporarily.Defense DOWN 50%30 SecondsDefense DOWN 50%40 SecondsN/A
EatCrushroomTough and sinewy, this mushroom increases muscle strength for a short time. Often used for doping, it is delicious when grilled.Attack Up 50%30 SecondsAttack Up 50%40 SecondsN/A
ThrowBoomshroomThis grenade-shaped mushroom explodes when force is applied. One of the "3 Exploshrooms." It tastes bitter like gunpowder.ExplosionImpactBig ExplosionInstantN/A
EatStaminungusIts leg-shaped fungi dissolve fatigue quickly. Once eaten, fatigue will disappear for a short time. Surprisingly tasty.Infinite Stamina30 SecondsInfinite Stamina40 SecondsN/A
ThrowFluffy FungusHas a round, cotton-like cap, and poisonous spores. Just touching it will put you to sleep. Do not trust its sweet smell.REM Sleep20 SecondsNon-REM Sleep40 SecondsN/A
ThrowDoomshroomContains α-Doomitin poison that induces vomiting. Can be lethal. Releases poison gas as a defense. Heat only enhances the poison.Deadly Poison30 SecondsLethal Posion60 SecondsN/A
EatYogashroomWith a turquoise cap, this mushroom aids the user's concentration. It spread from India to the island of South Tokyo. Meaty and tasty.Yoga Healing10 SecondsYoga Healing +30 SecondsN/A
ThrowShockshroomCells on the cap contain tiny amounts of electricity. Charges the body when touched or eaten. Numbs mouth, consume with care.Electric ShockImpactHigh Voltage Shock 650 DmgInstantN/A
ThrowPunchshroomResembling a fist, the tip contains propulsion parts and explodes when thrown. Known as one of the "3 Exploshrooms." Do not eat.Rocket PunchImpactBig Rocket Punch 1250 DmgImpactN/A
EatTransparungusMysteriously thins the user's body tissue. It escapes danger by erasing its own existence. Flavorless and odorless.Cloak15 SecondsCloak20 SecondsN/A
EatGuardshroomIts surface is metallic and inside is hollow. Stiffens the user's body tissue. Rarely seen, heat enhances its properties.Invincible30 secondsInvincible40 SecondsN/A
EatSlowmungusHas a unique eye-shaped cap and red hyphae that resemble veins. Slows time down. Has an irritating smell.Slow Down Time10 SecondsSlow Down Time15 SecondsN/A
ThrowDecoyshroomThis pink mushroom studies the DNA of anything that touches it and creates a copy. Weakens the user's nature. Uniquely acidic.Decoy Bomb30 SecondsDecoy Bomb
900 Dmg
60 SecondsN/A
ThrowLavashroomContains magma-like parts in the cap. Very light and explodes at the slightest touch. One of the "3 Exploshrooms." Do not eat.Lava ExplosionImpactLava Explosion +ImpactN/A
ThrowBrainshroomThis wrinkly mushroom drastically increases fatigue. Much is still unknown about it as it is so rare. Crispy and flavorless.Groggy5 SecondsUltra Groggy10 SecondsN/A
EatGambleshroomPoisonous when the black side is larger, beneficial when the white side is larger. Tricky to judge with the naked eye.Use GambleInstantUse GambleInstantN/A
EatFun FungusCap is speckled with white warts. Fills user with strange power that repairs their equipment. Meaty texture, very tasty.Endurance HealInstantEndurance HealInstantN/A
ThrowFrongusFeeds on dead Frogs and contains tear-inducing properties that vaporize when force is applied. Not suitable for eating.Tear Gas5 SecondsThick Tear Gas10 SecondsFrog
EatMouseshroomFeeds on dead Rats and contains stimulating properties that are enhanced with heat. Sweet-smelling and tasty.Rage Gauge (S)InstantRage Gauge (M)InstantRat
EatStingshroomFeeds on dead Scorpions and named after its stinger-like bump. Increases strength, but makes the body brittle.Attack Up 100%; Defense Down 50%30 SecondsAttack Up 120%; Defense Down 60%40 SecondsScorpion
ThrowFishy FungusFeeds on dead Fish. Only the tip can be eaten. This hallucinatory mushroom is smelly but tasty.Confusion15 SecondsConfusion25 SecondsFish
EatSnailshroomFeeds on dead Snails. The value of this fragrant mushroom is determined by the number of spirals, and has enzymes that improve immunity to bad statuses.Flame/Electric/Poison No Effect60 SecondsFlame/Electric/Poison No Effect90 SecondsSnail
EatDragonshroomFeeds on dead Lizards and contains strange magic that gives infinite ammo for a short time. Chewy but dull in taste.Inifnite Ammo10 SecondsInfinite Ammo20 SecondsLizard
EatLifeshroomFeeds on dead Pillbugs. Revives user and restores a little stamina. As rare as the bugs it feeds on. Tastes citric and sour.Health Up 25% (On Fatal Damage)ActiveHealth  Up 50% (On Fatal Damage)ActivePillbug
EatVampire FungusFeeds on dead Crabs. This coral-like mushroom enables the user to absorb some health when damage is dealt. Hard and tasteless.Absorb Damage 20%30 SecondsAbsorb Damage 40%40 SecondsCrab
EatEvershroomFeeds on dead Turtles. This shroom adds a fatigue effect to attacks, and this is enhanced with heat. Smelly and coarse.Fatigue Rate Up20 SecondsFatigue Rate Up30 SecondsTurtle
EatOakshroomFeeds on dead Birds and momentarily improves explosive power of the next attack. Brittle and best eaten as a soup.Attack Up 100%Next Attack OnlyAttack Up 150%Next Attack OnlyBird
ThrowCroakstoolFeeds on dead Golden Frogs and has enhanced tear-inducing properties. With a smelly gelatin tip, it is not to be eaten.Thick Tear Gas +30 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Frog
EatGolden MouseshroomFeeds on dead Golden Rats and directly stimulates the brain, increasing aggression. Surprisingly tasty.Rage Gauge (L)InstantN/AN/AGolden Rat
EatGolden StingshroomFeeds on dead Golden Scorpions and is more potent than the Stingshroom. Looks deadly but is extremely tasty.Attack Up 200%; Defense Down 80%60 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Scorpion
ThrowGolden Fishy FungusFeeds on dead Golden Fish and is more potent than the Fishy Fungi. A true delicacy with soft, moist flesh.Confusion60 secondsN/AN/AGolden Fish
EatGolden SnailshroomFeeds on dead Golden Snails and aids the nervous system and relieves pain. Feels good to eat but has no taste.Flame/Electric/Poison No Effect120 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Snail
EatGolden DragonshroomFeeds on dead Golden Lizards and more potent than the Dragonshroom, this striking shroom is chewy but tasteless.Infinite Ammo40 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Lizard
EatGolden LifeshroomFeeds on dead Golden Pillbugs. Revives user and restores all stamina. Incredibly rare and has a sharp mint taste.Health Up 100% (On Fatal Damage)ActiveN/AN/AGolden Pillbug
EatGolden Vampire FungusFeeds on dead Golden Crabs. Its tip is red with blood absorbed from other animals. Also known as the "brute," and tastes bad.Absorb Damage 100%90 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Crab
EatGolden EvershroomFeeds on dead Golden Turtles and contains more fatigue properties than the Evershroom. Smelly but tasty.Fatigue Rate Up60 SecondsN/AN/AGolden Turtle
EatGolden OakshroomFeeds on dead Golden Birds, and is more potent than the Oakshroom. Very brittle, and tasty if made into soup.Attack Up 300%Next Attack OnlyN/AN/AGolden Bird
EatBronze SkillshroomContains bronze, and resembles a human face. Trade these with Momoko Yamada for Skill Stickers. Smells and tastes bad.+500 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatSilver SkillshroomContains silver, and has anti-bacterial effects. Trade these with Momoko Yamada for Skill Stickers. No effects when eaten.+500 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatGold SkillshroomRare and contains gold, seen as a symbol of the sun. Trade these with Momoko Yamada for Skill Stickers. Not for eating.+500 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatBronze EggshroomThis southern Boomshroom enhances already latent skills and abilities. Its firm flesh resists heat and has a metallic and slightly sweet taste.+300 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatSilver EggshroomA more ripened Bronze Eggshroom. Enhances skills even more. Its firm flesh resists heat, and has a unique metallic and sweet taste.+2000 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatGold EggshroomA fully ripened Bronze Eggshroom. Greatly enhances skills. Its soft flesh resists heat, and has a metallic and very sweet taste.+20,000 XPInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatRed StingshroomGrows in the nutrient-rich corpses of Red Scorpions. Similar to Stingshroom, but weaker. Smells coppery. Tastes awful.Attack Up 75%25 SecondsAttack Up 75%35 SecondsRed Scorpion
EatUmbrella Rib FungusUseless little fungus that looks like an umbrella. Same properties as a Transparungus, but weakened by poison. Dry and nasty.Invisible / reduce HP**12 secondsInvisible/ reduce HP15 secondsN/A
ThrowFalse BrainshroomBrainshroom impostor. The cap consists of self-replicated copies. Emits toxic spores when damaged. Tastes rubbery.May cause Groggy5 SecondsMay cause Groggy10 SecondsN/A
EatCateye ShroomSubspecies of Slowmungus. Reminiscent of a cat eye. Vision effects weakened by defensive poison. Chewy and gross.Slowmo/reduce HP**Unstackable.*Really dangerous damage (-40~% max HP)7 SecondsSlowmo/reduce HP11 SecondsN/A
ThrowBoleoshroomGrows on nutrient-rich corpses of Goggly Boleos. Known to release toxic spores when damaged. Tastes fishy and gross.Possible Confusion15 SecondsPossible Confusion25 SecondsGoggly Boleo
EatRicebowl ShroomThe "grains of rice" are actually powerful, swollen Heartshroom-esque healing components. Tastes better than most mushrooms.Restores HP (L)InstantRestores HP (XL)Instant
SellBronze Parasol ShroomA rare bronze parasol-like mushroom requiring hot and humid conditions to grow. Rock hard. Metallic odor. Inedible.Sell for cash (S)(1000kc)/eaten for 100xpInstantN/AN/AN/A
SellSilver Parasol ShroomA valuable mushroom with a silver cap. Very shiny. Rock hard. Metallic odor. Inedible. Eating it has no effect on the human body.Sell for cash (M)InstantN/AN/AN/A
SellGolden Parasol ShroomA valuable mushroom with a gold cap. Very shiny. Rock hard. Metallic odor. Inedible. Eating it has no effect on the human body.Sell for cash (L)InstantN/AN/AN/A
EatHelmetshroomHas a distinctive metallic cap. Contains minerals hardening body tissues, like the Guardshroom, but less concentrated.Invincible/ Reduced armor durability loss. Unstackable.12 SecondsInvincible/ Reduced armor durability loss. Unstackable.15 SecondsN/A
EatBronze PumpkinshroomA mushroom that grows on top of pumpkins. Contains a strong stimulant. Metallic smell. Sweet and with a good bite to it.Rage Gauge (S)InstantN/AN/AN/A
EatSilver PumpkinshroomMore grown Pumpkinshroom. Has a silver shimmer. Has an even stronger stimulant. Metallic smell. Sweet and firm.Rage Gauge (M)InstantN/AN/AN/A
EatGolden PumpkinshroomFully grown Pumpkinshroom. Has a golden shimmer. Has the strongest stimulant of all Pumpkinshrooms. Also the sweetest and firmest.Rage Gauge (L)InstantN/AN/AN/A
EatBronze SnowcapMushroom from the Tower of Barbs. Covered in snow to the point that it looks like a mini snowman. Restores durability a bit.50 Durability RecoveryInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatSilver SnowcapMushroom from the Tower of Barbs. Covered in snow to the point it looks like a mini snowman.? Durability RecoveryInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatGolden SnowcapMushroom from the Tower of Barbs. Covered in snow to the point it looks like a mini snowman.? Durability RecoveryInstantN/AN/AN/A
EatSplattershroomGains Bloodnium.Bloodnium (S) 10InstantN/AN/AN/A

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Last-modified: 2018-11-12 (Mon) 07:27:20 (2278d)