This page,Introducing 6F to 10F strategies.

Capture List

We will introduce the necessary points to climb from 6F to 10F.

1・Strengthening equipment

The boss waiting on the 10F is a strong enemy.

It is much stronger than the boss so far, so let's strengthen weapons and armor before challenging.

2・Beware from 8F

From 8F, when enemies are annihilated, enemy "Jackals" is emerged.

As the enemy who can not win at the beginning is absolutely victims, let's move to another floor promptly after annihilating the enemies in the floor.

You can challenge "Jackals" even after you climb.

3・Max Defeat

Let's defeat the boss with reference to Max.

If you pick up any weapon you can beat enough, so you can postpone the reinforcement of the equipment.

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Last-modified: 2018-11-12 (Mon) 07:19:43 (2278d)