This page summarizes information about materials.
1F~10F †
Floor | Drop materials |
1F:ikegara | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
2F:imokawacyou | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
2F:wanoki | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can |
3F:tamata | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
3F:kamiikedoi | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
3F:metakoujiya | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain |
3F:sotosennzoku | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain |
3F:kimomagome | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can |
3F:minemachi | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can |
4F:tagahara | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain |
4F:keirannjima | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
4F:mannnou | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain |
4F:shimomariko | Veneer Plank、MDF |
4F:kyouwajima | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil |
4F:kannkamata | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil |
5F:joutennjima | Veneer Plank、MDF |
5F:hyakudori | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
5F:soukai | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
5F:mokaikegami | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware |
6F:mokamagome | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain |
6F:mekarokugou | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
6F:heimojima | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware |
6F:chuudou | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
7F:megashikouya | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
7F:daneda | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil |
7F:yuki | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
7F:regashikouya | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
7F:goshimagome | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware |
7F:shiminemachi | Veneer Plank、MDF |
8F:metakouya | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
8F:nikosennzoku | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can |
8F:sashimagome | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
8F:maminemachi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
8F:dasahimachi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
9F:nashiyoguchi | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware |
9F:yoshikidani | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
9F:yoneguchi | Veneer Plank、Iron Scraps、Aluminum Scraps、Waste Oil、Clump of Copper Scraps、Cotton |
9F:oomenokita | Veneer Plank、MDF |
10F:oomenosoto | - |
10F:shimooomeno | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
10F:oomenotoichi | Veneer Plank、MDF |
11F~20F †
Floor | Drop materials |
11F:makatsutsumi | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
11F:nokejiri | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
12F:seyane | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
12F:ukonngaoka | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
13F:nonokura | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
13F:momohara | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
13F:kamoto | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
13F:okusa | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
13F:nonokura | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
14F:yamadai | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
14F:takouya | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
14F:kamiumai | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part |
14F:ukisawa | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
15F:usogaya | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
15F:uge | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain |
16F:kaga | Veneer Plank、MDF、Rosewood |
16F:kisuyama | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
16F:kitaminn | Veneer Plank、MDF、Rosewood |
17F:nutakouenn | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil |
17F:kinutaminn | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil |
17F:hoshijousui | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil |
18F:temouma | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
18F:tata | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
18F:taishidonn | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
18F:boutsutsumi | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts |
19F:daida | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
19F:chitosemei | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part |
19F:hibiki | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
19F:mekamachi | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
20F:nora | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain |
20F:hachiyannma | - |
20F:monegi | MDF、Wire Mountain、Aluminum Can、Vegetable Oil、Piece of Broken Copperware、Cotton |
21F~30F †
Floor | Drop materials |
21F:akami | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
21F:arigure | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
22F:iwajima | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
22F:kawabe | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
22F:eisei | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
22F:tomiyama | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
22F:toyokawa | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
22F:okano | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
22F:fukuiki | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum |
23F:honnkawa | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum |
23F:echizennjima | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
23F:sennsubashi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
24F:moriba | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
24F:sumikiyo | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
24F:agasu | Veneer Plank、MDF、Rosewood、Walnut |
25F:kanie | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
25F:oshihama | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil |
25F:fugami | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
25F:fuyubayashi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
25F:furuiwaba | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper |
25F:tsubaki | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
26F:oshimi | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper |
26F:shimemeno | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil |
26F:yoshimi | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil |
27F:kurokawa | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
27F:shinnkobashi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
27F:yukiyoshi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
27F:ooe | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum |
27F:kinoe | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
27F:daimonnmachi | Waste Oil、Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil |
27F:dotedoori | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper |
27F:shichifugu | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
27F:riltuka | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
28F:hyaltukoku | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
28F:hyakuda | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
28F:fumibana | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
28F:toujima | Veneer Plank、MDF、Rosewood、Walnut |
29F:hashidaka | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
29F:aotobashi | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
29F:hennke | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
29F:bannzei | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
29F:tatekawa | Iron Scraps、Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel |
29F:temaejima | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
30F:utatsu | Aluminum Scraps、Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum |
30F:saigetsu | - |
30F:towada | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
30F:hikiage | Clump of Copper Scraps、Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper |
30F:yokoduna | Rosewood、Mass of Iron Bolts、Aluminum Engine Part、Crude Oil、Copper Wire Mountain、Cotton |
31F~40F †
Floor | Drop materials |
31F:obara | Walnut、Steel、Pure Aluminum、Mineral Oil、Pure Copper、Cotton |
31F:kooi | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
31F:itsutsukumo | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
32F:oosuki | Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper、Oxygen-free Copper |
32F:katsuma | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
32F:koshiyama | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
33F:togose | Walnut、Steel、Pure Aluminum、Mineral Oil、Pure Copper、Cotton |
33F:uchinobu | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
33F:akabadai | MDF、Rosewood、Walnut、Mahogany |
33F:miraigaoka | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
33F:tenngokuji | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
33F:kurome | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
33F:midorisaka | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
34F:nitannda | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
34F:ootaniyama | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
34F:kohashi | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
34F:senngoku | MDF、Rosewood、Walnut、Mahogany |
34F:takayama | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
34F:azaba | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
34F:nagazaka | Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper、Oxygen-free Copper |
35F:shinayama | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
35F:wakaba | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
35F:nakaeda | Walnut、Steel、Pure Aluminum、Mineral Oil、Pure Copper、Cotton |
35F:komada | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
36F:itanodai | MDF、Rosewood、Walnut、Mahogany |
36F:yatsuo | Walnut、Steel、Pure Aluminum、Mineral Oil、Pure Copper、Cotton |
36F:hiranuma | Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper、Oxygen-free Copper |
36F:momonokizaka | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
36F:makiana | MDF、Rosewood、Walnut、Mahogany |
37F:hiromatsu | Walnut、Steel、Pure Aluminum、Mineral Oil、Pure Copper、Cotton |
37F:mitsuba | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
37F:moguro | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
37F:atagi | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
37F:kounagi | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
38F:yatakacyou | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
38F:ebata | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
38F:kouba | Aluminum Can、Aluminum Engine Part、Pure Aluminum、Aluminum Alloy 7075 |
38F:himokawa | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
38F:jiyuutouge | Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper、Oxygen-free Copper |
38F:sotone | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
38F:ibamura | Cotton、Hemp、Leather、Wool、Silk |
38F:ibakouenn | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
39F:nakasaki | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
39F:haratsuka | Vegetable Oil、Crude Oil、Mineral Oil、Chemo-synthesized Oil |
39F:miketa | Piece of Broken Copperware、Copper Wire Mountain、Pure Copper、Oxygen-free Copper |
39F:kurokane | Wire Mountain、Mass of Iron Bolts、Steel、Ultra-pure Iron |
40F:futagi | - |
40F:kakinomisaki | MDF、Rosewood、Walnut、Mahogany |
42F~ †
If you do not have the 4th step armor (or 4 FORCEMEN equipment), it is very difficult to push to near 50F.
Therefore, it is recommended to use the route that you can reach the dead-end area as soon as possible.
●Special steel
If you want special steel 46F: Route that aims at Tahae is the safest.
There are opportunities to get 2 times on a short route, so you can get the material with a reasonable probability.
●Snake Wood
Since the areas where wood can be obtained are densely packed in the second half, the difficulty level of obtaining does not change so much with any route.
People who do not have themselves use 47F: a route that aims at Salamannu, and when it is judged difficult on the way 46F: Let's withdraw from Tahay etc.
●Aluminum alloy 9048
45F: The shortest route is to aim for Guoow.
Since difficulty level does not change so much, it is also possible to obtain carbon fiber, special steel 46 F: We also recommend a route aiming at Tahae.
●Bio oil
Since there are few places to get, 46F: Let's explore in Takaihe with the aim of other materials.
●Beryllium copper
Since beryllium copper is also densely collected in the latter half, the difficulty level of each route does not change so much.
If the equipment to advance to 50 F is in place, let's proceed toward 50 F.
●Carbon fiber
If the probability of acquisition drops but carbon fiber is desired 45F: Withdrawing immediately after aiming at dooramer lowers the danger and makes it easy to circulate.
Players who are not equipped will first try to raise their defense strength with this route.
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