
Decal is an item that causes additional effects to be made available by fighter.

As the fighter's grade rises the number of items that can be equipped increases.

Decal List

Living on the EdgeBefore returning to your WaitingRoom? hold out with 1HP just oncewhen taking fatal damage on araid.
SuperheroIncrease ATK and DEF by 15%when at full health.
Legendary HeroIncrease ATK and DEF by 30%when at full health.
BullIncrease ATK and DEF by 30%when your HP is at 15% or below.
Raging BullIncrease ATK and DEF by 60%when your HP is at 15% or below.
Serial KillerIncrease ATK by 10% after killingan enemy without taking damage,up to 100% increased damage.Taking damage resets this bonus.
PaybackStore up to 20% of damage takenand add that amount to your nextattack. The stored damage is resetafter attacking.
Shock AbsorberReduce falling damage by 50%.
Super Shock AbsorberIgnore all falling damage.
SprinterRate at which stamina decreasesduring Dash and Fatigue Timedecrease by 30%.
Marathon RunnerRate at which stamina decreasesduring Dash and Fatigue Timedecrease by 50%.
GymnastRate at which stamina decreasesduring Dodge goes down by 30%.
Professional GymnastRate at which stamina decreasesduring Dodge goes down by 50%.
TankIncrease max HP by 20%.
Heavy TankIncrease max HP by 40%.
DumbbellIncrease ATK by 7%.
BarbellIncrease ATK by 15%.
EmeraldIncrease DEF by 10%.
DiamondIncrease DEF by 20%.
Silver HeartIncrease max stamina by 50%.
Gold HeartIncrease max stamina by 80%.
WolfIncrease rage gauge build-up by50%.
King of the WolvesIncrease rage gauge build-up by80%.
NinjaIncreases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 50%.
Master NinjaIncreases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 100%.
Judge's GavelIncrease attack power during DownAttack? by 100%.
One Shot One KillIncrease attack power duringHeadshot by 70%.
BarbarianIncrease attack power of double-handed weapons by 20%.
Dual Wielding MasterIncrease ATK by 10% when usingthe same one-handed weapon inboth hands.
Master BuilderIncrease ATK and DEF of D.O.DArms weapons and equipment by7%.
Drill SergeantIncrease ATK and DEF of WarEnsemble? weapons andequipment by 7%.
WizardIncrease ATK and DEF of CandleWolf? weapons and equipment by 7%.
MedalistIncrease ATK and DEF of M.I.L.Kweapons and equipment by 7%.
SamuraiIncreases the ATK of slashingweapons by 10%.
SluggerIncreases the ATK of blunt weaponsby 10%.
FirestarterIncreases the ATK of fire weaponsby 10%.
ElectrifierIncreases the ATK of electricweapons by 10%.
HornetIncreases the ATK of poisonweapons by 10%.
Treasure HunterPermanently display hidden items intheir initial state on the map.
Indomitable SpiritMakes it harder to become Groggy.
MosquitoRecover 3% of damage dealt as HP.The maximum recovery per hitis 3% of your max health.
VampireRecover 7% of damage dealt asHP. The maximum recovery perhit is 7% of your max health.
Hide and SeekYou are harder for enemies todetect while crouching.
Giant KillerIncrease Attack Power by 30%against enemies 5 levels orhigher than you.
Four-leaf CloverIncrease crit chance by 10%.
Five-leaf CloverIncrease crit chance by 20%.
FirefighterDecreases the duration ofcontinuous damage taken whenon fire.
Electro SheepDecreases the duration of paralysiswhen electrocuted.
Maintenance StaffUse the elevator for a cheaperprice.
Poison EaterRecover HP slowly instead ofpoison damage.
Strength DiscountHalves the STR necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
Dexterity DiscountHalves the DEX necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
Vitality DiscountHalves the VIT necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
Health DiscountHalves the HP necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
Stamina DiscountHalves the STM necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
Luck DiscountHalves the LUK necessary to equipweapons and/or armor.
SuperalloyDeal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP is 70% or more.
HyperalloyDeal 20% more damage to enemieswhen their HP is 30% or less.
DIY EnthusiastBoosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a complete set of D.O.D ARMS(head, upper body, lower body).
Military EnthusiastBoosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a complete War Ensemble set(head, upper body, lower body).
Fantasy EnthusiastBoosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a complete Candle Wolf set(head, upper body, lower body).
Sports EnthusiastBoosts DEF by 20% when equippedwith a complete M.I.L.K. set(head, upper body, lower body).
Vitamin XXXIncreases HP recovery by 20%.
Golden Lucky CatIncreases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and treasure by 20%.
Nitro BoostIncreases EXP gained by 40%.
Super Long TailReduces the durability loss ofequipment and weapons by 20%.
Super SqueezerIncreases ABP gained by 40%.
King MantisIncreases SPLithium earned by 20%.
FamitsuIncreases damage of suplexeswhile stealthed by 20%.
Dengeki PlayStation?Increase attack power during DownAttack? by 10%.
Dengeki OnlineReduce falling damage by 20%.
4Gamer.netBoosts DEF by 8% when equippedwith a complete set of D.O.D ARMS(head, upper body, lower body).
Ultimate FighterIncreases fighters all basic parameters by 10%.
MultivitaminIncreases HP recovery by 5%.
Lucky CatIncreases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and treasure by 5%.
Turbo-charged EngineIncreases EXP gained by 10%.
Long TailReduces the durability loss ofequipment and weapons by 5%.
SqueezerIncreases ABP gained by 10%.
MantisIncreases SPLithium earned by 5%.
Lily BergamoNo effect.Can be sold for 10,000 Kill Coins.
Self-Defense50% ATK increase after PerfectGuard?. Only affects your next attack.
Flash BoilerRage Gauge increase by +2 onceat the start of a Raid, or when usingan elevator or escalator.
Angel KickerReduces dash time requiredbefore a Dropkick.
Hammer AddictIncreases Hammer ATK by 30%.
Machete AddictIncreases Machete ATK by 30%.
Rifle AddictIncreases Assault Rifle ATK by 30%.
Saber AddictIncreases Saber ATK by 30%.
Fireworks AddictIncreases Firework ATK by 30%.
NaspirinCancels out enemy'sGuardshroom Invincibility effectand Transparungus Cloak effect.
LoxorinWhen attached to Hunters, Haters,or defending Fighters, cancelsthrown Brainshrooms and FishyFungus? Groggy/Confusion effects.
Trump CardTaunting increases Attack by 20%.Returns to normal after attacking.Effect does not stack.
Punching BagReduces damage when Guarding.
Iron AddictIron Attack Power increases by30%.
Crossbow AddictCrossbow Attack Power increasesby 30%.
JugglerReduces reload time.
PoltarinNullifies Stingshroom attack boosteffects; Slowmungus effectcancelled after taking damage.(For Defender, Hunter, or Hater)
ResourcefulReceive the effects of cookedfood when using uncookedMushrooms and Beasts.
MFS-KunIncrease rage gauge build-up by20%.
MFS-KunIncrease rage gauge build-up by20%.
Katana AddictIncrease Katana ATK by 30%.
Hockey AddictIncrease Hockey Stick ATK by 30%.
AppleIncreases HP recovery by 15%.
Panther ModeBoosts max HP by 20% and ATK by5%.
DustyNullifies fall damage and boostsstealth Suplex attacks by 30%.
Stasis FieldIncreases Kill Coins gained fromenemies and treasure by 15%.
Jupiter StyleBoosts ATK of blunt weapons andslashing weapons by 10%.
Lunar StyleReduces stamina consumption andfatigue time by 30% when dashingand stamina consumption by 30% when dodging.
Kali AngelBoosts DEF by 15% and enables youto survive one fatal attack with 1HP when returning to the waitingroom.
Durga AngelBoosts critical hit rate by 15% andreduces weapon/armor weardownspeed by 10%.
RavenBoosts Rage Gauge chargingspeed by 50% and grants a singlebonus of Rage Gauge +1 at thestart of a Raid or when using an//elevator or escalator.
KatCauses a shockwave with AoE andknockback effect when a Dropkickhits.
Crowd PleaserIncreases ATK by #0% per enemywhen #1 - #2 enemies appear.
Mad BomberDefeated enemies blow up, causingdamage all around.
CerberusIncreases ATK of the Defenderit's equipped to by 30%.
GolemIncreases max HP of the Defenderit's equipped to by 40%.
GuardmycinNegates the effects of theenemy's GuardShroom?.
SkillmycinNegates the effects of theenemy's Transparungus.
BrainmycinNegates the effects of thrownBrainshrooms when attached toDefense Fighters, Hunters, orHaters.
FishymycinNegates the effects of thrownFishy Fungus when attached toDefense Fighters, Hunters, orHaters.
SlowmycinNegates the effects ofSlowmungus when attached toDefense Fighters, Hunters, orHaters.
StingmycinNegates the effects ofStingshroom when attached toDefense Fighters, Hunters, orHaters.
VolcanoWhile defending, increasesRage Gauge by 1 when attachedto a Defense Fighter.
Super VolcanoWhile defending, increasesRage Gauge by 2 when attachedto a Defense Fighter.
Critical AttackIncreases Critical Hit damage by 30%.
Master Onion CutterNegates the blindness effectfrom Frongus, Pickaxes andIrons if equipped to a DefenseFighter?, Hunter or Hater.
Oriental MedicineHeals 15 HP a second.
Scrap YardBuzzsaw + DIY Attack armorbonus. 1 piece of armor: Buzzsawweapon & DIY Attack armordurability loss reduced to 70%.//2 pieces: 50%. 3 pieces: 30%.Full set: Screamers, Hatersand Hunters drop BarbmeatHalf? Portions on kill.
Trigger HappyAssault Rifle + Assaultforcearmor bonus. When using NormalAttacks?, 1 piece of armor: 20%chance of no durability or//ammo loss. 2 pieces:40%, and 3 pieces: 60%.Full set: +15% Assault RifleAttack? Power when HP is full.
World of TanksIncrease max HP by 45%.
Tiger IISwitch to or fire a WarEnsemble? ranged weapon and5 seconds later you willreload with special explosive//rounds, dealing 20% moredamage than normal.
STEEL WALL20% chance of not takingany damage when hit.(Excluding damage from fire, etc.)
Chi-HaThe closer you are whenattacking with a War Ensembleranged weapon, the higher thedamage. Up to 30% more damage.
SHARPSHOOTERBullet spray and recoilreduced when using aWar Ensemble ranged weapon.
PATROL DUTYShows enemies on the mappermanently. Decreases Dashstamina consumption andFatigue Time by 50%.
BILLOTTE'S MEDALRecover faster from being seton fire or from paralysis whenelectrocuted.
T95E2Increase attack power during DownAttack? by 50%.
Call for VengeanceRage Gauge increases by +2when starting a Raid from theRevenge List.
INVADERATK increases by 20% in a Raid.
Buzzsaw AddictAttack Power +30% forBuzzsaws.
Magnum AddictAttack Power +30% for Magnums.
Longsword AddictAttack Power +30% forLongswords.
Chainsaw AddictAttack Power +30% forChainsaws.
Pitching AddictAttack Power +30% for PitchingMachines?.
Food FighterEat faster.
Super HelmetReduces additional damagereceived from headshots by 80%when equipped to Defenders,Hunters or Haters.
Full Metal JacketSniper rifle + Silent Sniperarmor bonus. 1 piece of armor:Sniper rifle headshotAttack Power +30%.//2 pieces: +50%. 3 pieces:+70%. Full set: last bullet+50% Attack Power.
HagakureKatana + Sengoku armor bonus.1 piece of armor: Katana criticalhit rate +20%. 2 pieces: +40%.3 pieces: +60%.//Full set: +30% damagefor critical attacks.
Knife AddictAttack Power +30% for Knives.
Claw AddictAttack Power +30% for Claws.
Bowling Ball AddictAttack Power +30% for BowlingBalls?.
Chopper AddictAttack Power +30% forChoppers.
Sniper Rifle AddictAttack Power +30% for SniperRifles?.
Poison MasterRecover HP slowly instead oftaking poison damage.Increases the ATK of poisonweapons by 10%.
Night AssassinKnife + Night Scout armorbonus. 1 piece of armor: 10%less stamina consumed whenDodging. 2 pieces: 30%, //3 pieces: 50%.Full set: Knife Attack Power+100% after Dodging. Returns tonormal after attacking once.//Effect does not stack.
Bat AddictAttack Power +30% for Bats.
Pickaxe AddictAttack Power +30% for Pickaxes.
Rocket Launcher AddictAttack Power +30% forRocket Launchers.
Axe AddictAttack Power +30% for Axes.
Pinch HitterBat + Heavy Hitterarmor bonus. 1 piece of armor:Bat Attack Power +5%.2 pieces: +15%.//3 pieces: +25%.Full set: Full Swing's damagemay be doubled at random!
Shotgun AddictAttack Power +30%for Shotguns.
Motorcycle AddictAttack Power +30%for Motorcycles.
Thunder Rod AddictAttack Power +30%for Thunder Rods.
Stun Rod AddictAttack Power +30%for Stun Rods.
PyrotechnicianFireworks + Texas Farmerarmor bonus. Equip 1 piece:Defense +#0%. Equip 2: +#1%.Equip 3: +#2%.//Full set: #3% chanceFireworks Ammo and Durabilitywon't decrease fromregular attacks.

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Last-modified: 2018-09-25 (Tue) 23:48:39 (2240d)